Blogshelf: Be Here Now 8/09

Be Here Now

Books & Bars enjoyed its biggest audience yet with 140 people in attendance to discuss Audrey Niffenegger’s smash hit, The Time Traveler’s Wife. We were fortunate to be invited to a larger venue, an art gallery named The Soap Factory. Our book club was part of an exhibit called Common Room based on large social gatherings. We made paper sculptures like the character Clare did in the novel and filled out card catalog info with blurbs, soundtrack suggestions and more related to Henry’s character.

Our discussion dealt with free will vs. fate and the metaphor of time travel.We felt the theme of the story was how lovers are not always in sync or even in the same place and time, but we should strive to be here now. Be present in the moment as it is all we really have for certain. Most of really enjoyed the book and more than a few had read it twice. (The movie is not so good, though. Imagine a flip book Cliffs Notes version of the book.)

Join Books & Bars’ Facebook group to see more photos of our event if interested.

Next month we read a lost classic, The Dud Avocado by Elaine Dundy.
Check out website ( for our list of upcoming possible selections. Feel free to make a recommendation.

Jeff Kamin
Moderator – Books & Bars

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